This testbed includes a set of virtual servers and network resources suitable to reproduce a complex satellite enabled NFV-compliant testing setup.
More specifically, it includes a Core Network for end user access, with 4G radio (RAN) and 5G virtual functions (identified as 4.5G), User Equipment (Smartphones), a static terrestrial and satellite emulation for hybrid backhaul links (POP2), and several virtualization containers and VLAN-based static virtual networks suitable for the orchestration of VNFs.
The Orchestrator selected for the project is OpenBaton (ETSI-MANO compliant), allowing to assist the deployment of vPEP functions in the use-cases under study.
The objective of the VNF deployment is to enable chains of network-based virtual functions to realize PEP acceleration required for specific use-cases. The overall virtualization configuration and data path for the VIBeS testbed are reported in the figure.
In particular, the VIBeS testbed also includes a fully configured OpenSand DVB-RCS2 emulation framework, as detailed in the following architecture figure.
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