TOP Project 
ESA Artes1 contract
Project Objectives
Performance Enhancement Proxies (PEPs) are key elements for meeting basic performance requirements for interactive Internet usage via satellite. Accordingly, the Satlabs group has produced the specification for an Interoperable PEP (I-PEP).
The objective of the activity is “to develop an alternative congestion control method [to standard TCP], fully interoperable with the I-PEP specification and specifically aimed at optimizing web browsing performance in the I-PEP environment, while maintaining good performance for other TCP traffic such as large files.”
ITS S.p.A (Prime contractor)
University Tor Vergata
Instituto Telecomunicações
The output of the activity will be “a full specification of a new protocol, validated by simulation and/or prototyping”, together with a prototype implementation. The new transport protocol will be defined in a manner understandable to third party implementers, will be coded into an appropriate testbed, and deeply tested to measure its performances and prove its validity. The implementation task will leverage either on the Linux Kernel TCP/IP stack (kernel module) or on the Mitre SCPS-TP implement.
For more details about TOP Projects: ESA TOP Project page
or contact
- Prof. Michele Luglio (luglio at
- Ing. Cesare Roseti (roseti at
- Ing. Francsco Zampognaro (zampognaro at